Hebrews 12:2 When Cain slew Abel, God spoke to Cain, telling him that, “your brother’s blood is crying to me from the ground.” There is power in innocent blood. Later, God would implement the sin offering to cover the sins of the people. The animal that was killed had to be without blemish. It was the blood that covered the sins of the people.
Animal blood could only cover the sins of the people. At the right time, God sent His son, Jesus, to save the world of sin. He walked a perfect life, without sin. He was the only innocent human. The Sanhedrin brought Him before the Jewish rulers on trumped up charges. He was brought before Pilate through politics. God ordained that Jesus would die as a sacrifice for the people. Jesus’ blood speaks. It declares that all who have accepted Him have been declared innocent. His blood washes us whiter than snow. Through the blood of Jesus we have been declared holy. We are a royal priesthood. The blood of Jesus declares the age of grace, of reconciliation with God. Whatever our struggle, with sin, with our flesh, with the circumstances and trouble of this world, the blood of Jesus is more powerful. Nothing on earth is stronger than the blood that cleanses us from sin and presents us spotless to the Father. Condemnation and guilt have no voice next to the voice of the offering of Jesus Christ. May you know and understand the power of the blood of Jesus, and may all condemnation and guilt leave in Jesus’ name.
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1 John 4:18-19God loved the world so much that He sent His son Jesus to die for humanity’s sins. God loves us perfectly, and he loves us first. To accept Jesus into your heart is to accept and receive the love of God. This love begins to pour into our life. As we are immersed in the perfect love of God, and allow God to perfect us in this love, we are transformed. One of the greatest transformations is the removal of fear.
Fear is powerful. In nature, it is seen producing a ‘fight or flight’ response. Fear can paralyze. It can also provoke dire aggression. As the love of God begins to perfect us, fear is cast out of our life. The love of God, and our security in Him casts out insecurity. We are protected in the refuge of God. As we truly receive the perfect love of God, His love begins to compel us, and to pour out of us into the world around us. Just as God has set us free and delivered us from all our fears, our testimony and demonstration of God’s perfect love begins to cast the fear around us. The perfect love of God sets the captives free, and breaks the grip of the devil in the people around us. It is the demonstration of God’s love, revealed through Jesus Christ that proclaims the gospel and turns people’s hearts to God. Today, may the perfect love of God cast out all fear in your life, and may you in turn share this love with all those around you. Luke 4:18 Jesus came to the earth to set the captives free. Wherever He went, people were delivered from guilt, shame, oppression, and every kind of sickness and disease. Jesus demonstrated the love of God by doing good and destroying all the works of the devil. It was a physical demonstration and a representation of the spiritual liberty that would complete the ministry of the Messiah.
During the life of Jesus, Israel was under Roman occupation. Many felt they were held captive by Roman rule. They desired to see the Messiah come and overthrow the Roman armies and set up an earthly kingdom. Jesus’ mission was greater. Rather than setting Israel free from human force, Jesus set the captives free from death, hell and the grave. Through Jesus Christ, we are set free from being captive to our fleshly desires. Through Jesus Christ, we are delivered from hell and released to heaven. Through Jesus Christ, we receive healing for our bodies, and through Jesus Christ, we are set free from the guilt and shame of sin. It is a freedom that was purchased with the blood of the spotless Lamb of God. The freedom that has come through Jesus Christ is always available to every believer. It is accessed through faith. Though at times we may feel accused, it is our faith in Jesus Christ that once again sets us free from condemnation. Though we may experience sickness, it is faith in Jesus Christ that releases healing power over our bodies. Though we may stumble and fall, it is repentance and confession in the name of Jesus Christ that raises us up and cleanses us of all unrighteousness. As Christians, we not only have access to this awesome freedom, we also have the grace and opportunity to proclaim it to those around us. Today, may you walk in the full liberty of Jesus Christ, and may you share this freedom so that those around you may walk in victory. Isaiah 61:1 Jesus was continually confounding and enraging religious leaders. When Jesus sat down to eat with who they considered socially and religiously unacceptable, they questioned Him on why He ate with sinners. Jesus replied, “Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I came not to call the righteous, but sinners.” His reply was a definition of His role on the earth. When Jesus came to Nazareth and stood up in the synagogue to read, He declared His ministry and calling through the prophet Isaiah. The Spirit of the Lord was with Jesus because God anointed Him to minister to certain needs, to achieve specific goals. The first of these was to proclaim good news to the poor and afflicted.
The world is filled with disheartening news. Many are beset with hardship and strife. Poor finances, ailing health, and run-ins with the law all bring oppression and anxiety. In a sea of trouble, God anointed Jesus to bring news that promises change. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a promise of right-relationship with God. It is a promise of the forgiveness of sin for all those who accept Him. To those that are in dire straits, those that are beyond their own capacity, and those who are desperate for someone to come in and save them from their current crisis, Jesus declares a future and a hope. The good news is that all may come. All are accepted. Through the blood of Jesus, all are made worthy. It is not dependent on social or financial status, or on our own righteousness or ability to follow the rules of religion or society. God calls us, and He makes us holy. We are granted access through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.” From the greatest to the least, salvation is here. This is the good news. Today, may the good news of what Jesus has done transform your perspective, and may you fully receive the hope that is found |
AuthorAlabaster House Archives
June 2021
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